Live aboard sailing courses.

Terminology, Sailing (Introduction, Reefing, Fine trimming), Navigation (Our tools, Bearings, Position & course, Chart, GPS, Logbook), Boat maneuvering (Docking and Anchoring), International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, Night navigation, Trip planing & seamanship (Knots, Storage, Safety precautions), Emergency handling (Man overboard, Fire, Grounding, Dismasting, Gear failure), Diesel Engine maintenance, Boat's Electrics and Electronics, Basic Meteorology at Sea, Boat's maintenance, Boat's paperwork
An Internationally recognized Skipper's certificate will be provided on your return on the 11th day in Mytilene after exams in cooperation with Mytilene's Sailing Club IOM.
Notes on paper and cd.
Scenes from the daily trip at the end of the first circle.
Special Itineraries
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